Kim Cums:一个爪足浴盆和一个穿着苏格兰短裙的男人

爪足浴盆和一个男人在苏格兰短裙— Video by


了解 Kindle,香槟和壁炉 first to watch me masturbate and to find out how you and I ended up in the bathroom…

水流入爪足浴盆,我倾斜并添加几滴泡泡浴。 浴室既舒适又颓废。 丰富的红色油漆覆盖墙壁,给人一种外壳和舒适的感觉,而加热的毛巾架和散热器则提供了非常理想的温暖。 水槽坐落在两个匹配的古董椅子之间,每个椅子上坐着一个格子呢枕头。

我走进浴盆,小心翼翼地放下自己。 当我融入热气腾腾的水域,轻轻地将水滴在裸露的皮肤上时,你会看到它。

But I came here to play with you, not to play with myself. You are standing next to the tub, and it’s time for you to stand a little closer. I desperately need a peek at what is beneath your kilt. I peel open your kilt and find your cock unobstructed by underwear. “Perfect!”, I think, now I can get straight to my favorite part: sucking your cock!


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